Open classroom.

Two years ago I took the risky decision to leave my previous profession and fully committed to dedicate myself to what I really love, painting miniatures.
Since then, I have painted hundreds of miniatures for private private collectors, as well as some box-art for miniature brands miniatures brands focused on wargaming, such as Greebo Games or Greebo Games or Lazy Squire.
During all this time I have focused on 32/28mm wargame miniatures , developing techniques and painting processes that allow me to obtain high level results in a very limited time, being ideal to face projects of armies or a considerable amount of pieces.
Instagram: @lacaci.estudio
To reserve your place, please send us an e-mail to the following address: davidminiature@gmail.com
San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid. 36 Los Manzanos Street.
3 Thursdays per month (5 hours each day).
A total of 15 hours per month.
Throughout the year 2025.
You can sign up at any time.

What is the open classroom?
This format is designed for students to work on their own personal projects during 3 Thursdays per month (5h/day), under the continuous supervision and advice of the instructor.
There is no predefined agenda, as the focus is on providing a creative space and material resources for the development of each participant’s skills.
During these sessions, students will receive personalized feedback, resolve their doubts and perfect their techniques, all in a collaborative environment with other hobby enthusiasts.
- Schedule: 16:00-21:00h / 3 Thursdays per month (5 hours each day) / A total of 15 hours per month.
- Possibility of other future groups on different days of the week.
- Limited seating.
- Price: 120€ per month.
- Reservations: davidminiature@gmail.com
To reserve your place, please send us an e-mail to the following address: davidminiature@gmail.com
Recent student work.
I am really happy with the academy as not only can I continue to develop my knowledge and painting skills with David but there is also an excellent collaborative environment with my fellow students.

The best 360º experience in the miniature world: training, advice, news, friendship, contests, visits, trips, challenges,... Unmatched.

The annual tuition is perfect for learning basic concepts as well as for strengthening and reinforcing more complex aspects that you already know.

During my year at the academy I learned to understand painting in a different way, losing my fear of tackling ambitious projects. Thanks to the constant support of David and Garbiñe, I have seen a remarkable evolution in my technique and I am very proud of every job I have done.
when I started with the hobby I was unable to create a miniature without a color recipe, but the academy taught me the basics to understand painting and above all gave me the tools to enhance my own artistic process.
The classes at this academy have allowed me to discover my passion for miniature painting. The atmosphere is great and David's advice, follow up and dedication to each one of us is incredible.